My friends have been diligent in blogging daily this past week about things they're thankful for. Between Sara's teething & colds, plus trying to work on homemade Christmas gifts, my schedule hasn't allowed me to sit down and blog each day. And seeing as I'm working late tomorrow, Sara's still sick, and somewhere before Turkey Day I need to bake & frost some cupcakes, I figured I'd better sit down tonight and reflect on the abundance of people who have blessed my life, and for whom I am so thankful (even if I didn't dedicate separate days to each of them). :)
My husband is amazing. And fortunately, he doesn't need to hear it every day. Because some days all he hears from me is "Can you grab me another diaper?", or "It's Liam's bedtime, can you tuck him in?" But I have been so blessed with an incredible partner, best friend, co-conspirator and one awesome daddy as my husband. John works so hard every day to make it possible for me to stay home, and even agreed to live in a barn with me (it is, really!) so we can make it work. For better or for worse, I'm so lucky to have him.
My kids are my two most favorite little people in the world, and I'm so lucky to be called "Mom" by them. Well okay, by Liam. Sara just clings to me in her special way, and I'll take that as "Mommy" for now. Liam is such a loving, smitten big brother, and such a big helper for me. He has the sweetest heart, and I adore taking him out on my own on the rare occasions we get (Tonight it was a quick trip to the grocery store, but I got filled in on his day at school on the way). Sara, my sweet little hugger, is so much fun. She keeps me on my toes, and I'm excited to see her little personality continue to develop.
My parents are such an incredible support. Grandma Cindy & Grandpa Pete have always been there, cheering me on even when if they don't 100% agree with my decisions. My mom has grown into one of my closest friends, and I'm so lucky to have her so close (and so available for grandkid drop-offs!).
My in-laws, too, have always been so supportive. Never once, from them or my parents, did I get the "So, when are we going to be grandparents?" talk, even though we took nearly 5 years to have kids. I was only able to work because grandparents (and great-grandparents) offered to take time with the kids, which has been an amazing gift for Liam, too, and now Sara.
My brothers have (mostly) grown out of their "pain in my neck", "tagalong" status. :) You are both so incredible with my kids. Liam thinks he has the coolest uncles, and no, I don't think he actually has a favorite. Even if I don't say it, I hope you both know how much you are loved, by me and by my family.
My extended family rocks. They just do. I am blessed with a close family, both physically and emotionally. I love that Liam & Sara get to grow up with these amazing influences in their lives regularly. And Aunt Linda, thanks for the opportunity (and flexibility!) of working with you.
My friends are still such an important part of my life, even if I'm a bit negligent in keeping in touch these days. Laura, my far-away friend, I can chat with you for just a few minutes with a few weeks in between, and we always get each other. I hope we can actually chat in person some time soon. Holly, I miss our more frequent visits at your place, but Sara will be chasing the other kids around soon, I hope. Thank you for answering my silly "girly" questions, and humoring me with the "boy" ones the first time around! Tracie, Stephana, Tarah & Tiffani, you girls are so much fun to connect with, and are such good baby jugglers. Remind me to bring my camera to the next girls' night! For my whole network of friends, I'm so grateful.
There's just so much more I could write - I'm so incredibly thankful - but heck, I'm also thankful for a chance to get to bed before 11pm. Love you all!