Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Home Grown

We've talked for years about setting up a veggie garden at our home, and just had never gotten to it. We've had blueberries & strawberries for years, but not veggies. This is our year!

We set up the raised beds this spring, and planted more vegetables than our garden could really handle.

For dinner tonight we picked our own carrots & peas, and have blueberries all ready for tomorrow morning's breakfast.

I love that Liam got to help in the whole process, from planting to harvesting and (his favorite) devouring the yumminess he helped create.

I may be biased, but I think those were the best peas I've ever tasted - and both kids went back for seconds.

Road Trip!

We took our first road trip as a family of four last weekend. Ten plus hours in the car, and no major meltdowns. I think that's a success!
We went to Pacific Beach for the beautiful beach wedding of my cousin Phoebe.
Sara had covered herself and myself with sand before the wedding even started. Liam was just thrilled to go to a wedding where he didn't have to wear shoes.
Sara played in the sand during the wedding, and was convinced everyone was watching her (as opposed to the bride & groom).

We had fun at the reception, and Liam even taught my cousin Fritz a couple of his "moves". (Thanks Fritz for being such a good sport!)
It was a whirlwind of a weekend with waaayyy too much driving, but we're so glad we went. And so glad we have a portable DVD player. :)